Monday, January 22, 2007


"Apabila kemiskinan menanti dipintu kasih sayang akan lari keluar tingkap"
"When poverty awaits at the door, love runs out the window."

HAMKA pernah dipenjara Soekarno kerana menerbitkan tulisan Bung Hatta yang berjudul 'Demokrasi Kita' yang terkenal itu.
Tulisan itu berisi kritikan tajam terhadap konsep Demokrasi Terpimpin yang dijalankan Soekarno.
Namun dia tidak pernah menyimpan dendam pada Bung Karno.
Buktinya, ketika Bung Karno wafat, HAMKA-lah yang menjadi imam saat sholat jenazahnya.
Sikap yang berpegang pada prinsip dan hati ini tidak luput dari tempaan perjalanan hidupnya.
HAMKA was ever imprisoned by Sukarno for editing the famous writings of Hatta entitled "Our Democracy".
The writing was a sharp critique of the concept of Guided Democracy launched by Sukarno.
Nevertheless, HAMKA never kept a grudge against Sukarno.
This is evident in that when Sukarno later passed away, it was HAMKA who led the funeral prayer for him.
This attitude of holding on to his principles and his heart never faded from the route of his life's journey.

HAMKA was a great thinker, religious reformer, laureate, rebel commander, national leader, political prisoner of conscience, sufi, modernist, philosopher and most of all, a great person.

Who says we dont have saints anymore?

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