Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Returning from hajj

Some adabs about returning from hajj -

1. upon arriving at your homeland, recite the following do'a - O Allah, I ask from You the goodness that is in this land and the goodness of its people, and whatever goodness that is in it, and I shelter with You from the evils of it and its people and whatever evil that is in it. O Allah, make this a home for us and give us provision that is good. O Allah, grant us its fruits and shelter us from its diseases and make its people love us and make us love its righteous people",

2. pray 2 raka'at at a masjid before arriving at home. It is not recommended to perform a prostration of thanks (sujud shukur),

3. to pray when you arrive at your home for God to accept your repentance - O Allah, accept our repentance. To You we return. Do not leave us any of our sins.

4. it is sunnat to visit those who have just returned from Mecca and Medina with shaking of hands and embraces, with prayer that God accept their hajj. It is good to say the following to them - May Allah accept your hajj and forgive all your sins and replace your expense.

5. it is sunnat for the returnees to pray for their visitors because the prayer of those who have just returned from the Holy Land is accepted by Allah. In a hadith, the Prophet s.a.w. said - O Allah, forgive the pilgrims and whosoever they request forgiveness for. 
There are several views on how long the period is that the prayer of the pilgrim will be accepted by God - some say up to 20 Rabiul Awal, or as long as he is considered as a recent returnee from hajj, or until the completion of Zulhijjah that year (Allah knows best).

6. to hold a gathering of thanks (majlis keshukuran).

translated from the Malay book,
A Guide to Fiqh by Sheikh Omar AlKhaatib, by M Salleh bin A Hamid

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